10 Reasons Robin Thicke Needs to Go Away Now

September 2024 · 5 minute read

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Singer/songwriter, Robin Thicke has been in the music industry for more than 20 years. His sophomore album, The Evolution of Robin Thicke, helped him gain fame in the R&B world, and many people couldn’t wait to see what he had planned. Although his next three albums weren’t huge commercially, Thicke surprised the entire world in 2013 when the lead single for his album of the same name “Blurred Lines” hit the airwaves. The song quickly blew up, and Thicke was thrust into the spotlight like never before.  Although he became incredibly popular, Thicke’s new level of fame has also been a bit of a problem for the star.  There’s nothing like shining a light on someone to help you see who they really are, and many people are actually not too fond of Thicke.  Although he seemed like he’d be the perfect person for fans to fall in love with, most people are finding themselves fed up instead. Here are 10 reasons why Robin Thicke needs to go away now.

“Blurred Lines” was actually a pretty creepy song.

Robin Thicke’s 2013 hit “Blurred Lines” really catapulted him to a new level of fame.  The song is up-tempo and catchy, and sounds like the perfect party tune.  However, if you ever take time to listen to the song’s lyrics, there’s a pretty good chance you’ll find them a little on the creepy side.  Some people have even suggested that the song is subliminally referencing sexual assault, which obviously isn’t cool.

He can be downright annoying.

Everyone can be a little annoying from time to time, but for people who are constantly in the spotlight – that annoyance is definitely magnified, and Robin Thicke has a knack for getting on people’s nerves. Seriously, the guy wore a suit that looked like something straight out of Beetle Juice, and he actually thought it looked cool. Plus, on top of it all, he can be pretty arrogant. Sure, there’s no denying that Robin Thicke does have some real talent when it comes to writing and performing music, but that doesn’t mean he has to think so highly of himself. Over the last two years, many people have seemed very turned off by Thicke’s arrogance – some even referring to him as a “pinhead”, but he doesn’t seem to care.

His obsession with ex-wife Paula Patton is unhealthy.

In 2014, after nearly 10 years of marriage, Thicke’s ex-wife, Paula Patton decided to call it quits. Of course, it’s always sad to see a relationship end, especially one that seemed to be doing okay, but sometimes people just have to learn to let things go.  Unless of course, you’re Robin Thicke.  Although things clearly seemed to be over, Thicke refused to give up on his relationship, and went to some pretty crazy extremes to try to win Paula back.  He wrote and recorded an entire album in her honor which contained a few pretty strange songs.  Although many people were critical of the album and Thicke was proud of his work, and his decision to make the whole album about Paula.  Unfortunately; however, it wasn’t successful in mending their relationship.

He’s kind of a misogynist.

Between the lyrics to “Blurred Lines” and some of the songs on Paula, Thicke has gotten a reputation for being a misogynist.  Many people believe that Thicke sees women as nothing more than things to be conquered, and that his ego fuels a lot of his behavior.

He has no rhythm. 

Robin Thicke may see himself as an R&B (rhythm and blues) artist, but this guy has absolutely no rhythm.  Seriously, he just can’t dance.  Fortunately, he usually finds a way to avoid having to dance, but there’s only so much walking around the stage a person can do before people find themselves getting bored.

He’s dating a 20-year-old.

After the news of split with Paula Patton was made public, many people feared that Thicke would not be able to bounce back.  However, he refused to let the break up get him down, and just a few months after their split, he was already back in the dating world. Being back on the market must have made him feel young again because he’s just two years shy of 40, he began dating, April Geary, a 19-year-old girl. Despite their age difference (his girlfriend is now 20) the couple is still together, and seems to be going strong.

Nobody has forgotten his dance with Miley Cyrus.

How could anyone forget the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards when Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke shared an awkward moment.  The two, who were on stage together for a performance, got a little too close when Miley decided she was going to push up on Thicke and give the crowd a long-awaited twerk session. Most viewers were uncomfortable by their interactions, and some even believe this had something to do with the demise of Thicke’s marriage.

He feeds dogs marijuana.

Recently, Thicke has made headlines for ‘accidentally’ feeding marijuana to a dog. Apparently, Thicke’s girlfriends dog keeps finding his way into their “stash” and eating it.  However, instead of moving their stash out of the dog’s reach, they seem to be entertained by this.

He’s said some pretty weird things.

You’d thin with all the media training that most celebrities get, they’d be much better at speaking in public or in interviews.  However, that’s not always the case, and Robin Thicke has said some pretty bizarre things over the years.  During an interview in 2013, which was described as the most “dreadful” interview of the year, Thicke shared his idea on a romantic night out, stating: “”I like to take her out to a fancy, six-course meal that lasts three hours and stare into her eyes.” Staring into someone’s eyes for three hours? Yeah, that’s not weird or anything.

He’s gimmicky. 

Unfortunately, for most artists, having a good gimmick is the ticket to fame, and Robin Thicke is no different. Although he is often billed as an urban music artist, there’s actually nothing urban about him.  He grew up wealthy thanks to his famous parents although his image doesn’t necessarily reveal that.

(Photo by Christopher Polk/Getty Images)
