How Many Ants Are in the World? 20 Quadrillion! The Mind-Boggling Number of Ants Crawling Around You

August 2024 · 5 minute read

How Many Ants Are in the World? 20 Quadrillion! The Mind-Boggling Number of Ants Crawling Around You

Ants are amazing creatures.

They form complex societies, communicate with each other, and perform vital functions in the ecosystem.

But how many ants are there in the world?

This is a difficult question to answer, as ants are hard to count and vary widely in size and species.

However, a recent study has come up with a staggering estimate: 20 quadrillion!

The Problem

Counting ants is not easy.

They live in diverse habitats, from deserts to rainforests, and often hide underground or inside plants.

They also vary in size, from less than a millimeter to over an inch long.

Moreover, they are constantly moving, foraging, fighting, and reproducing.

All these factors make it challenging to get an accurate count of the global ant population.

The Study

A team of researchers from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, published a study in 2022 that attempted to estimate the number of ants in the world.

They used a novel method that combined data from satellite imagery, soil samples, and ant surveys.

They estimated the area and depth of ant habitats, the density and diversity of ant species, and the biomass and abundance of ants.

However, they also acknowledged the limitations of their method, such as the lack of data from some regions, the uncertainty of some parameters, and the variability of ant populations over time and space.


The new estimate of 20 quadrillion ants is much higher than previous ones, which ranged from 1 to 10 quadrillion.

The researchers explained that the previous estimates were based on less reliable methods, such as extrapolating from local samples, assuming a constant density, or using outdated data.

They also pointed out that the new estimate is more conservative than some extreme guesses, such as 100 quadrillion or even a sextillion (a 1 followed by 21 zeros).


The huge number of ants has profound implications for the ecology of our planet.

Ants play a crucial role in nutrient cycling, as they break down organic matter, aerate the soil, and fertilize the plants.

They also help with seed dispersal, as they carry seeds to new locations, often creating mutualistic relationships with the plants.

Furthermore, they act as natural waste managers, as they consume dead animals, fungi, and other detritus.


To put the number of ants in perspective, let’s compare it to other organisms.

Approximately 7.9 billion humans inhabit the world, equating to roughly 2.5 million ants for every human.

Additionally, there are about 1.4 billion cattle globally, translating to approximately 14,000 ants per cow.

Moreover, the human body contains around 10 trillion cells, amounting to approximately 2,000 ants in every cell.

These comparisons show how ants outnumber and outweigh most other living things on Earth.

How big are 20 quadrillion ants?

20 quadrillion ants is a huge number that is hard to imagine.

To put it in perspective, here are some possible ways to visualize it:

What country has the most ants?

As for the country that has the most ants, it depends on how you measure it.

If you are looking at the number of ant species, then Australia is the winner, with more than 4,000 known species, of which over 1,000 are native to the region.

If you are looking at the number of individual ants, then the answer is likely the tropical rainforest regions of South America, Central America, and Africa, where ants are very abundant and diverse.

However, these numbers are based on estimates and may change as more data becomes available.

How many ants are born a day?

According to some estimates, there are about 15 to 20 quadrillion ants on Earth.

The number of ants born in a day depends on the species, the size of the colony, and the environmental conditions.

However, a general approximation is that between 2,000 and 3,000 ants are born per day in a mature colony.

Some ant queens can produce up to 10,000 eggs a day, which means there could be about 288 million ant queens on the planet.

However, these numbers are not definitive, as there are many uncertainties and challenges in counting ants.

How many queen ants are there in the world?

There is no definitive answer to how many queen ants there are in the world, as it depends on the species, the size of the colony, and the environmental conditions.

However, based on some estimates, there are about 20 quadrillion ants on Earth.

If we assume that each colony has one queen ant and that the average colony size is 10,000 ants, then we can roughly estimate that there are about 2 trillion queen ants in the world.

However, this is a very rough approximation, as some colonies may have more than one queen, some species may have larger or smaller colonies, and some regions may have more or fewer ants.

Therefore, the actual number of queen ants may be much higher or lower than this estimate.


In conclusion, the estimated number of ants in the world is 20 quadrillion, which is a mind-boggling figure that reflects the diversity and abundance of these amazing insects.

However, this estimate is not definitive, as there are many uncertainties and challenges in counting ants.

There is still ongoing research and potential for future refinements in the methodology and data.

The question of how many ants are in the world is not only a scientific curiosity but also a reminder of the importance of ants and their impact on our planet.

How do you feel about sharing your world with so many ants?

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